HealthExamples of Fear Ladders

Examples of Fear Ladders

Without the guidance of a physician, it might be difficult to understand how a fear ladder works. We’ve provided some example fear ladders for you to model your own after. These examples are made from common anxieties that many people share. When using the Fear Ladder in the ABCtracker™, you’ll practice how to identify and conquer your biggest and smallest fears. Follow the format in the examples provided.

I Have A Fear Of Germs

I believe germs will consume my body, make me sick, and kill me. So to cope with it, I have been washing excessively, using sanitizer after every time I touch something, and avoiding messy public places like the mall, supermarket, or school.

Goal: To be comfortable enough to use a public toilet. This will show that I’m not afraid of germs.

List of Situations That Give Me Anxiety

  1. Look at photos of dirty places
  2. Walk around the supermarket
  3. Touch a public door handle with my bare hands
  4. Use a grocery cart without sanitizing
  5. Pick up products
  6. Eat a sample
  7. Enter the public bathroom
  8. Touch the sink
  9. Use the toilet

I Hate Public Speaking

I believe that when I go up in front of an audience, I will mess up, lose their interest, and be made fun of. To cope, I avoid situations where I have to speak in front of people.

Goal: To give a speech in front of 100 people. This will show that I am not afraid of public speaking.

List of Situations That Give Me Anxiety

  1. Practice my speech by myself
  2. Practice my speech in my living room where my mom can hear me
  3. Practice my speech in front of my family
  4. Practice my speech with a friend over the phone
  5. Practice my speech with a friend over a video call
  6. Practice my speech in front of my friend at home
  7. Practice my speech with a friend at the local coffee shop
  8. Practice my speech by myself in the lecture hall
  9. Practice my speech in front of a friend in the lecture hall
  10. Give my speech in front of 100 people

I’m Afraid Of Social Gatherings

I believe that people are judging me and generally do not want me to be here. To cope with this, I have been staying in and avoiding social situations.

Goal: I want to go to a party without feeling anxious. This will show that I’m not afraid of large social situations.

List of Situations That Give Me Anxiety:

  1. Talking to my parents
  2. Talking to a friend
  3. Asking a friend for help with my homework
  4. Helping a friend with their homework
  5. Working on a group project
  6. Inviting a friend to get lunch
  7. Accepting a friend’s invitation to go out for lunch
  8. Go on a small group outing with close friends
  9. Go on a small group outing with close friends and acquaintances
  10. Go to a party with close friends

Mark Willson, holding a Ph.D., functions as a psychotherapist in Washington, D.C. His specialized fields encompass addiction, anxiety, depression, as well as sexuality and interpersonal connections. Dr. Willson holds the distinction of being a diplomat for the American Board of Addiction and Anxiety, further serving as a certified counselor and addiction specialist.

Aside from his personal professional endeavors, Dr. Wilson has engaged in roles as an author, journalist, and creator within substantial medical documentary projects.


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