HealthEffective Training To Increase Testosterone Levels – We Have All The Answers...

Effective Training To Increase Testosterone Levels – We Have All The Answers 2024

Few things in life are as fulfilling as pushing yourself through a workout, understanding that you’re not only enhancing your overall well-being but also encouraging significant muscle development. Guess what? It even helps increase your testosterone levels! Talk about getting benefits with one activity! When you engage in exercise, it positively impacts the composition of your body. 

Exercise also helps to naturally increase your testosterone levels, which helps to maintain and increase the muscle mass you so desperately want. We understand your eagerness to learn more, so let’s dive right in. We are very close to understanding how exercise helps to increase testosterone levels and which specific exercises and training routines are most beneficial for boosting testosterone production.

Does Working Out Increase Testosterone Levels?

There is a wealth of research indicating that physical activity, particularly strength training and high-intensity exercises, has the potential to temporarily increase testosterone levels. By incorporating exercise into your routine, you can stimulate your body to produce amounts of this vital hormone, which is crucial for muscle development, maintaining energy levels, and promoting overall well-being.

However, the increase in testosterone is usually short-lived, and levels may return to baseline after a few hours. To maintain higher testosterone levels, it’s important to stick to a consistent exercise routine, balanced diet, and adequate sleep. Always consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What Are Hormones?

Hormones act as messengers within our bodies, coordinating a complex interplay of functions behind the scenes. These chemical messengers are generated by glands in our bodies, such as the pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands. Their crucial function involves regulating a range of aspects, including mood, metabolism, growth, and reproduction.

Think of them as tiny messengers that send important instructions to our cells, telling them when to speed up or slow down. Hormones are the invisible conductors of our body’s orchestra, ensuring all the instruments play harmoniously to keep us healthy and functioning at our best.

What Exactly Are Androgens?

Androgens, commonly known as the body’s ‘male hormones, ’ play a role in our body’s functioning. These steroid hormones, including testosterone, have a notable impact on both males and females, although they are often linked to masculine characteristics, like facial hair, deep voices, and muscle growth.

But their role goes beyond that – androgens help regulate bone density and mood and even play a role in the libido department. Think of them as the power players in the hormone ensemble, responsible for shaping our physical and emotional characteristics while also causing the occasional bit of hormonal drama when their levels fluctuate.

What Is Testosterone?

Testosterone, a hormone produced in the organs, plays a crucial role in the development of male traits. It does not contribute to muscle growth but also has significant effects throughout various life stages, such as fetal development, adolescence, and adulthood.

What Is The Function Of Testosterone?

Testosterone plays a critical role in physical maturation, beginning during fetal development and continuing through puberty. Testosterone controls height, body, and pubic hair growth, deepening of the voice, increased libido, and enlargement of the reproductive organs. As you enter adulthood, testosterone levels gradually decline, but it continues to play an indispensable role. It remains essential for sperm production and maintaining sexual desire.

Its significance extends beyond that. Testosterone also serves as a messenger, promoting the creation of red blood cells, enhancing muscle and bone strength, impacting body composition, and contributing to overall wellness. When testosterone levels rise, they result in heightened muscle mass, strength, endurance, and recovery capabilities, among other advantages. It’s quite remarkable, don’t you think?

How Is Testosterone Made In The Body?

Testosterone is mainly produced in the gonads, the central reproductive organs. In men, the testes are the leading site of testosterone production; in women, the ovaries produce smaller amounts of the hormone.

Another way the body produces testosterone is through the hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA). This hormone is created by the glands and then transformed into small quantities of testosterone. To keep testosterone levels in check, the body regulates its production by suppressing the release of gonadotropin-releasing hormone.

What Leads To Low Testosterone Levels?

Low testosterone production is medically known as male hypogonadism, which is divided into two main types. Primary hypogonadism occurs when a disorder of the testicles interferes with testosterone production, while problems with the hypothalamus or pituitary gland result in secondary hypogonadism.

Primary hypogonadism can occur due to factors, including congenital conditions or acquired conditions, like testicular injury, chemotherapy, or the use of anabolic steroids. On the other hand, secondary hypogonadism can stem from congenital conditions, head or brain injury, obesity, alcohol abuse, drug use, certain medications, high-stress levels, and insufficient sleep.

Symptoms Of Low Testosterone

Symptoms low testo workout

Want to know how to spot the signs of low testosterone? Look out for these indicators:

  • Decreased sex drive: Decreased libido often correlates with low testosterone levels because this hormone affects sexual desire.
  • Erectile dysfunction (ED): While some factors can cause ED, low testosterone is one of the potential causes of this condition.
  • Loss of muscle mass: Testosterone plays a key role in muscle growth, development, and density. If you notice a decrease in muscle mass or strength, it may be related to low testosterone levels.
  • Increased body fat: Low testosterone levels can lead to an accumulation of body fat, starting a cycle as obesity can also contribute to low T levels.
  • Decreased energy/fatigue: Fatigue is a common symptom of low testosterone, especially in younger men. Testosterone significantly affects energy levels, so low levels can lead to decreased vitality.
  • Decreased body hair: While genetic factors are primarily responsible for hair loss on the head, a reduction in body hair is a sign of low testosterone. Commonly affected areas include the shins, armpits, facial hair, and pubic region.
  • Depression/brain fog: Testosterone plays an essential role in mood and overall well-being. It also affects concentration, so depression and cognitive fog are common when testosterone levels drop.

If you are concerned about low testosterone levels, especially if you are over the age of 35 (as research suggests that testosterone levels are lower in this age group than in previous generations), you may want to consider an evaluation with online testosterone therapy for reassurance.

Even if you don’t experience symptoms, it’s important to take care of your health and well-being by addressing the possibility of low testosterone. Online assessments for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) are an option as they are affordable, convenient, efficient, and maintain your privacy. We strongly suggest considering Fountain TRT for your T assessment.

Does Exercising Increase Testosterone?

Absolutely! Engaging in physical activity has been shown to impact testosterone levels positively. Various studies have established that exercise, resistance training, or high-intensity workouts can potentially increase testosterone levels.

In one study, it was discovered that exercise contributes to serum testosterone concentrations. However, it’s important to note that the extent of this increase may vary depending on factors such as body weight, age, time of day, and the intensity of the exercise. Additionally, researchers observed that older men or overweight individuals may experience a lesser effect on their hormone levels due to exercise.

Overall these findings highlight the potential benefits exercise can have on boosting testosterone levels in individuals.

How Does Exercise Increase Testosterone?

Numerous studies have uncovered different mechanisms by which exercise increases testosterone levels, with exercise volume and intensity playing a critical role in this natural increase. A 2016 study found that prioritizing compound exercises involving large muscle groups during resistance training before moving on to smaller muscle groups resulted in a greater anabolic response than the reverse order.

Engaging in compound exercises like bench presses, squats, and deadlifts can raise testosterone levels. These movements strain the muscle fibers, prompting the release of testosterone and growth hormone. This hormonal response supports muscle recovery and growth. Additionally, studies have indicated that incorporating high-intensity training with increased weightlifting volumes can effectively boost testosterone levels.

High-intensity interval training (HIIT) has also been shown to increase testosterone levels, particularly in men. HIIT involves short bouts of high-intensity activity followed by short periods of rest. One study showed that 90-second intervals of high-intensity treadmill running, alternating with 90-second rest periods, significantly increased testosterone levels compared with 45 minutes of endurance training.

Additional research has supported these conclusions, linking the rise in testosterone to the body’s fight-or-flight reaction prompted by intense bursts of HIIT. Physical activity also aids in diminishing body fat, resulting in increased testosterone levels. Moreover, engaging in exercise assists in alleviating stress, which is advantageous since stress can contribute to reduced testosterone levels.

Is There An Optimal Time To Exercise For Increased Testosterone Levels?

The timing of your training in relation to testosterone levels is a tricky issue. Testosterone levels tend to peak in the morning and fall in the afternoon. Although no definitive research confirms this, some suggest that morning workouts may be beneficial due to higher morning testosterone levels. Capitalizing on the increased testosterone levels could potentially lead to improved strength and increased energy.

However, research has indicated that engaging in strength training sessions in the evening might have an impact on testosterone levels. Since there is no cut answer, maintaining consistency in your exercise regimen is crucial. Ultimately, the significant aspect is selecting a suitable time for your workouts that aligns with your schedule and helps you stay dedicated. Maintaining consistency in your fitness program is vital for attaining your objectives regardless of the time of day you opt for exercise.

What Types Of Exercise Are Most Effective For Increasing Testosterone Levels?

As mentioned earlier, the two main categories of exercise that excel at boosting testosterone levels are resistance training (weight lifting) and HIIT (high-intensity interval training). Resistance training, which includes strength training and weightlifting, contributes to an increase in serum testosterone levels. Scientific research shows that multi-joint compound exercises produce the most significant increase in testosterone production.

Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses work, as well as important muscle groups, leading to a rise in testosterone levels. Research also indicates that using weights leads to a greater testosterone increase compared to training with weight machines. This is probably because free weights effectively engage the core and larger muscle groups.

For optimal results, these workouts should be performed at high intensity, aiming for maximum volume within a 45-minute to one-hour time frame. Using heavier weights rather than focusing on high-repetition, low-weight sets are recommended. In addition, it is advisable to minimize rest periods between sets to maximize the intensity of the workout.

Apart from weightlifting, another great way to boost your testosterone levels is through HIIT workouts. Researchers conducted a study to examine the impact of exercise intensity by having participants engage in ergometer cycling at moderate and low intensities. Interestingly, they found that only the group who performed high-intensity workouts experienced increases in their testosterone levels.

The researchers concluded that when the number of repetitions remains constant, exercise intensity is critical in increasing serum testosterone production. The body produces more testosterone in response to exercise intensity. Common exercises used in HIIT training include the stairmaster, treadmill, and burpees. For inspiration, check out these HIIT treadmill workouts.

Interestingly, it has been observed that HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) boosts testosterone levels among men. However, studies have indicated that women may experience a decrease in testosterone levels through this form of training. Acknowledging the possibility of overtraining and understanding that high-intensity workouts, adequate rest, and proper nutrition are necessary for complete recovery.

Overtraining can actually reduce testosterone levels by increasing the stress hormone cortisol. Signs of overtraining include excessive soreness, difficulty recovering from exercise, disturbed sleep patterns, and decreased strength and performance.

How Long Does The Post-Workout Testosterone Boost Last?

Regrettably, the surge in testosterone that occurs after exercising usually lasts approximately an hour. Younger individuals who are just starting their journey tend to notice a more significant increase because their hormonal reactions have not yet adapted to these alterations.

Is The Increase In Testosterone Significant Enough To Cause A Noticeable Change?

The increase in testosterone after exercise is significant enough to be noticeable, but it does not produce dramatic or long-lasting effects. Although more research is needed in this area, it is unlikely to make a significant difference to people with low testosterone levels. Younger people are more likely to notice these changes due to their higher baseline hormone levels.

Although you might experience a boost in energy or a better mood immediately after exercising, the true transformation occurs over time. Regular workouts and intense training can help you build lean muscle mass and reduce fat, ultimately resulting in higher testosterone levels.

Alternative Ways To Increase Testosterone

While a consistent exercise routine is crucial to boosting testosterone, other lifestyle changes can lead to increased levels. Some methods of boosting testosterone include maintaining a healthy body weight, abstaining from drugs and alcohol, maintaining a regular sleep schedule, and eating a nutritious diet. A balanced diet is essential for maintaining optimal hormone levels; certain foods can increase testosterone levels.

Some foods that can help boost testosterone levels are eggs, tuna, beef, oysters, pulses, garlic, and leafy greens. Moreover, if further assistance is considered necessary, testosterone boosters or testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) might be beneficial. Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of testosterone boosters in raising testosterone levels. In instances where testosterone is deficient, a doctor may recommend TRT as a potential solution.

What Do Testosterone Boosters Do?

Testosterone boosters come in a variety of forms with different ingredients and dosages, but they share a common goal: to increase the levels of free testosterone in your body. There are several mechanisms by which these boosters achieve their goal. Some help the body increase its natural production of testosterone, while others work by slowing down the breakdown of existing testosterone.

Certain products, like DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone), use hormones or other substances to encourage the production of testosterone. When a testosterone booster focuses on DHEA, a hormone naturally present in the adrenal gland that produces androgens and estrogens, it indirectly aids in raising testosterone levels within the body.

What Natural Remedies Increase Testosterone Levels?

Boosting testosterone levels naturally is like giving your body a gentle nudge in the right direction. Incorporating regular exercise, especially strength training, into your routine can help boost testosterone production. A balanced diet rich in nutrients such as zinc, vitamin D, and omega-3 fatty acids supports hormonal health.

Never underestimate the importance of getting a night’s sleep. It plays a vital role in regulating hormones. In addition, managing stress through activities like meditation and yoga can have an effect. Of course, maintaining a healthy weight while limiting alcohol and sugar consumption can contribute to keeping testosterone levels in check. All these natural approaches work hand in hand to maintain balance and make you feel your absolute best.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible for regular exercise to actually increase testosterone levels?

Absolutely, regular exercise has the potential to increase testosterone levels, although several factors can influence the extent of this increase.

What types of physical activity are most effective in increasing testosterone levels?

Exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses have been found to be more successful in boosting testosterone levels than exercises that isolate muscles.

How long can I expect to see an increase in testosterone levels after starting a fitness program?

This time frame can vary from person to person, but some studies suggest that a noticeable change in testosterone levels can be seen after a few weeks of consistent exercise.

Does the intensity of my training play a role in testosterone elevation?

Engaging in high-intensity workouts like high-intensity interval training (HIIT) or lifting weights tends to have a greater impact on boosting testosterone levels than low-intensity exercise.

Can overtraining negatively affect testosterone levels?

Yes, excessive exercise or overtraining can potentially lead to reduced testosterone levels and other hormonal imbalances.


There have been studies that indicate how engaging in regular exercise can potentially result in higher testosterone levels. However, the actual magnitude of this increase depends on factors. The fluctuations in testosterone levels can be linked to aspects such as age, present body composition, the specific type of exercise undertaken, and when these exercise sessions are conducted.

Resistance training and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) are the most effective exercise methods for increasing testosterone levels in men. Alternative methods, such as a balanced and nutritious diet, can also naturally increase testosterone production. It is advisable to explore all available options to determine the most appropriate method or combination to meet your goals and preferences. 


  1. Cleveland Clinic. “Testosterone: What It Is, Function & Levels.” Read more
  2. Cleveland Clinic. “Why Are Testosterone Levels Declining?” Published September 20, 2022. Read more
  3. UCSF Department of Urology. “Hypogonadism (low testosterone).” Read more
  4. Riachy, Ruba, et al. “Various Factors May Modulate the Effect of Exercise on Testosterone Levels in Men.” Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, vol. 5, no. 4, 7 Nov. 2020. Read more
  5. Sheikholeslami-Vatani, Dariush, et al. “Comparison of the Effects of Resistance Exercise Orders on Number of Repetitions, Serum IGF-1, Testosterone and Cortisol Levels in Normal-Weight and Obese Men.” Asian Journal of Sports Medicine, vol. 7, no. 1, 1 Mar. 2016. Read more
  6. Hackney, A. C., et al. “Testosterone Responses to Intensive Interval versus Steady-State Endurance Exercise.” Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, vol. 35, no. 11, 1 Dec. 2012. Read more
  7. Metcalf, Eric, and MPH. “Does Working Out Lift Men’s Testosterone Levels?” WebMD. Read more

Mark Willson, holding a Ph.D., functions as a psychotherapist in Washington, D.C. His specialized fields encompass addiction, anxiety, depression, as well as sexuality and interpersonal connections. Dr. Willson holds the distinction of being a diplomat for the American Board of Addiction and Anxiety, further serving as a certified counselor and addiction specialist.

Aside from his personal professional endeavors, Dr. Wilson has engaged in roles as an author, journalist, and creator within substantial medical documentary projects.

Isabella Clark, Ph.D., held the position of a professor within Emory University’s School of Medicine, working in the Department of Mental Health and Nutrition Science. Alongside this role, she served as a research associate affiliated with the National Research Center. Dr. Clark’s primary area of research centers on comprehending the mechanisms through which adverse social encounters, encompassing prolonged stress and traumatic exposure, contribute to a spectrum of detrimental mental health consequences and coexisting physical ailments like obesity. Her specific focus lies in unraveling the reasons behind the varying elevated susceptibility to stress-linked disorders between different genders.


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