HealthCathy Creswell

Cathy Creswell

Professor at University of Reading
Affiliation: University of Reading
Articles Published: 1
Social Engagement: 71
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About The Author:

Professor Cathy Creswell completed her clinical psychology training and subsequently her PhD at University College London, and has since worked at the University of Reading, where she is an NIHR Research Professor based in the School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences. She is also an Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Joint Director of the University of Reading Anxiety and Depression in Young people (AnDY) clinical research unit.

Cathy has particular research and clinical interests in the development and treatment of anxiety disorders in children and young people. In addition to academic publications, she has co-written two CBT self-help books for parents: ‘overcoming your child’s fears and worries’ and ‘overcoming your child’s shyness and social anxiety’.

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