HealthRachel Sluis

Rachel Sluis

Ph.D. Candidate at Griffith University
Affiliation: Griffith University
Articles Published: 1
Social Engagement: 44
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About The Author:

Rachel Sluis received her Bachelor of Psychology (Hons) at Griffith University on the Gold Coast, Australia, and is currently completing her Ph.D. in psychology at the same institution. Her research is experimental in nature and clinically focused with particular emphasis on specific features responsible for the development and maintenance of social anxiety disorder.

Ms. Sluis is a student member of the Australian Psychological Society, a member of the Griffith Health Institute (Behavioural Basis of Health), and a Golden Key International Honours Society member. She began her research in Dr. Mark Boschen’s laboratory with a focus on fear of evaluation in social anxiety disorder.

Since commencing her Ph.Dd, Ms. Sluis has narrowed her focus of research under the supervision of Dr. Mark Boschen with the aim of investigating executive function related to attentional control applied to specific maintaining features of social anxiety disorder, such as ruminative thinking. She is passionate about finding new techniques to incorporate into common therapy practices, such as CBT, and is in the process of designing a novel intervention in order to improve deficits related to cognitive attentional control.

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