HealthMark Feinberg, Ph.D

Mark Feinberg, Ph.D

Research Professor
Affiliation: Pennsylvania State University
Articles Published: 1
Social Engagement: 26
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About The Author:

Mark Feinberg, Ph.D., is Research Professor in the Prevention Research Center, The Pennsylvania State University. He conducts basic and applied research on youth, families, and communities, with a particular focus on family dynamics and family-focused prevention. He has developed and tested several prevention programs, including Family Foundations (FF), a transition-to-parenthood program designed to enhance coparenting among first-time parents. FF has been shown to reduce adverse birth outcomes, postpartum depression, couple and parent-child physical aggression, and child internalizing and externalizing problems.

Dr. Feinberg has also co-developed prevention programs addressing sibling relationship conflict, adverse birth outcomes, and childhood obesity, and has been involved in the long-term evaluation of large-scale community prevention systems, including Communities That Care, PROSPER, and Evidence2Success. He has also written about and examined the community epidemiology of adolescent problem behaviors, i.e., the ways in which risk factors are linked to behavior problems within and between communities.

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