HealthLizabeth Roemer, Ph.D.

Lizabeth Roemer, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Affiliation: University of Massachusetts Boston
Articles Published: 3
Social Engagement: 315
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About The Author:

Dr. Lizabeth Roemer is a Professor in the Psychology Department at the University of Massachusetts Boston. Dr. Roemer’s research focuses on understanding how individuals respond to unwanted emotional experiences in ways that help or worsen their difficulties, and applying this understanding to the treatment of anxiety disorders, particularly generalized anxiety disorder. Over the past fifteen years, in collaboration with Dr. Susan Orsillo, she has developed an acceptance-based behavior therapy for generalized anxiety disorder that incorporates mindfulness strategies. They have coauthored The mindful way through anxiety: Break free from worry and reclaim your life and Worry less, live more: The mindful way through anxiety workbook. She is currently adapting this treatment approach to different contexts to help more people live meaningful lives in the face of distress and anxiety. Dr. Roemer and her current and former students also examine the relevance of cultural and contextual factors in anxiety, mindfulness, and emotion regulation, as well as strategies to promote coping, resilience, and personally meaningful action in the face of racist experiences and other forms of systemic inequity.

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